Happy Whore-A-Ween!

Admit it ladies, there’s only one reason we look forward to Halloween: because it’s the one and only day where it’s deemed socially acceptable to release your inner whore. You can finally unleash that little vixen you’ve been whording inside the depths of your soul on those other 364 days of the year.

And look at the incentives. Every bar within a half mile radius of each other has a “sexiest costume” contest where you can win a shit-ton of money. Think about it, if you pay 5 grand for a new rack, then use that rack to win the $1000 grand prize, they’ve just paid for 20% of your implants. The logistics are surreal.

So my fellow ho-bags, don’t be afraid to slap on a pair of fishnets and your favorite whoredrobe of choice and skank it up. Remember, we’re all in this together.

Happy whore-a-ween, kids.